Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Medicinal plants research papers

Medicinal plants research papers

medicinal plants research papers

8 rows · Medicinal plant Traditional uses Scientific knowledge; Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) Fragrances, Cited by: This review document reports important toxic medicinal plants and their toxic ingredients for plant species resident in the southern African region. These include important medicinal uses and pharmacological properties ranging from antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, anti-inflammatory as well as those that are used as aphrodisiacs and for maternal health care Recent papers in Medicinal Plants. Papers. People. External pH effects on the depolarization-activated K channels in guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba. Previous studies reveal that the pH of the apoplastic solution in the guard cell walls may vary between and in closed and open stomata, respectively

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For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click here. Present paper offers considerable information on traditional uses of medicinal plants by the inhabitants of Hafizabad district, Punjab-Pakistan. This is the first quantitative ethnobotanical study from the area comprising popularity level of medicinal plant species intendedby using relative popularity level RPL and rank order priority ROP indices.

Ethnobotanical data were collected by interviewing local informants and 35 traditional health practioners THPs from different localities of Hafizabad district. Demographic features of informants; life form, part used, methods of preparation, medicinal plants research papers of application and ethnomedicinal uses were documented. Ethnobotanical data were analyzed using quantitative tools, i, medicinal plants research papers. Relative frequency citation RFCmedicinal plants research papers, use value UVinformant consensus factor ICF fidelity level FLRPL and ROP indices.

A total of 85 species belonging to 71 genera and 34 families were documented along with ethnomedicinal uses. Solanum surattenseWithania somniferaCyperus rotundusSolanum nigrum and Melia azedarach were the most utilized medicinal plant species with highest used value. The reported ailments were classified into 11 disease categories based on ICF values and highest number of plant species was reported to treat dermatological and gastrointestinal disorders.

Consequently, the ROP value for these species was more than The diversity of medicinal plant species and associated traditional knowledge is significant in primary health care system. Medicinal plant species with high RPL values should be screened for comprehensive phytochemical and pharmacological studies. This could be useful in novel drug discovery and to validate the ethomendicinal knowledge.

Citation: Umair M, Altaf M, Abbasi AM An ethnobotanical survey of indigenous medicinal plants in Hafizabad district, Punjab-Pakistan. PLoS ONE 12 6 : e Received: March 28, ; Accepted: May 5, ; Published: June 2, Copyright: © Umair et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the medicinal plants research papers author and source are credited.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Ethnomedicinal studies are of significant value to discover contemporary drugs from indigenous medicinal plant resources. There are appropriate sources of information about useful medicinal plant species, which can be targeted for management and domestication [ 12 ].

The documentation of traditional knowledge of native plant species has contributed a number of vital drugs [ 3medicinal plants research papers, 4 ]. The fundamental role of natural products in the development of new drugs has been reported [ 6 — 8 ].

In recent era, the role of medicinal plant species in traditional health practice has diverted the attention of researchers towards ethnomedicines.

The use of plant species as traditional medicines provides a real substitute in healthcare services for rural communities of the developing nations [ 9 ]. These traditional medicines are cost-effective, safe and affordable [ 5 ]. Therefore, medicinal plants are the indigenous heritage of global importance [ 11 ].

Around, 50, flowering plants are used as medicinal [ 12 ], outreported species of flowering plants [ 13 ]. At present, medicinal plants research papers, research on medicinal plants research papers uses of plant species has attained notableattention in the scientific community.

Various workers have reported indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants from different parts of Pakistan [ 2414 — 20 ], and few reports have been published in recent years [ 21 — 26 ].

The documentation of information on traditional herbal remedies is an important aspect of conservation approach. The present study, therefore, documents the traditional knowledge of local communities of Hafizabad district on medicinal uses of surrounding plant diversity. This work, being the first collation and listing of all available data on medicinal plants in this area, provides first ethnomedicinal and cultural assessment of these species. Specifically, present study was aimed: i to document the medicinal flora and traditional knowledge of local communities on indigenous plants used for medicinal purposes, ii to compile data on traditional treatments against various ailments, including method of preparation, plant part s utilization and application; iii to evaluate the ethnomedicinal data using RPL and ROP indices in order to explore most popular species, which could be useful for in depth pharmacological screening.

The present study was conducted to document the traditional knowledge of local communities on medicinal plant species from six localities i. Kaleke Mandi, Head Qadirabad, Hafizabad city, medicinal plants research papers, Sukhakee, Pindi Bhattian and Jalalpur of district Hafizabad, Punjab province-Pakistan Fig 1.

The survey site spreads an area of 2, km 2 along with altitudinal variation of m above sea level. The forest cover is approximately The Chenab River spreads from north to north west of the district. Medicinal plants research papers of the study area falls in semi-arid type with temperature ranged from 48 ° C in summer to 1 ° C in winter, medicinal plants research papers.

The study area receives highest rainfall during monsoon July to September. Around The major ethnic group speaks Punjabi Semi structured interviews and group conversation with local inhabitants were conducted to gather information on medicinal uses of plant species from informants including male, female respondents and traditional healers.

Data on age, gender, educational status and linguistics of respondents were also gathered. Information regarding the local plant names, medicinal plants research papers, part s used, methods of preparation and application were documented.

orgthe plant list www. plmedicinal plants research papers, while that of families follow A. system [ 29 ]. The species entries were complemented along with data on taxonomic position familyvernacular name, common name, medicinal plants research papers, flowering period, life form and folk medicinal uses.

The life form was categorized into herbs, shrubs, grasses and trees annual, medicinal plants research papers, biennial or perennialaccording to the system proposed by Raunkiær [ 3031 ] and modified by Brown [ 32 ].

Collected plant species were identified by Prof. Rizwana Aleem Qureshi Plant Taxonomist, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad and by using Flora of West Pakistan [ 33 ] and Flora of Punjab [ 34 ]. The voucher specimens were submitted in Herbarium of Pakistan ISL Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.

The ethnobotanical data was analyzed using different quantitative indices including Informant Consensus Factor ICFUse value UVRelative frequency citation RFCFidelity level FLRelative popularity level RPLRank order priority ROP. Data were reported in proportions and percentages.

Before calculating ICF value, ailments are broadly categorized into different categories [ 35 ]. The maximum ICF value i. close to 1 indicates that well known species are used by a large proportion of local communities due to their authenticity regarding diseases. However, low ICF index close to 0 specifies that the informants use this species randomly to treat reported diseases[ 35 ]. Use value UV determines the relative importance on uses of plant species.

Relative frequency of citation RFC signifies the medicinal plants research papers importance of each species in medicinal plants research papers study area [ 3940 ].

This index is determined by dividing the number of informants citing a useful species FC by total number of informants in the survey N. RFC is calculated by the formula as described earlier [ 41 ]:. FL is the percentage of informants who mentioned the uses of certain plant species to treat a particular ailment in a study area.

The maximum FL indicates the frequency and high use of the plant species for treating a particular ailment by the informants of the study area. RPL is the ratio between number of ailments treated by a particular plant species and the total number of informants for any disease. However, plant species with comparable FL may vary in their healing potential.

A correction scale is therefore introduced, medicinal plants research papers, in which all the encountered plant species are divided into popular and unpopular groups. The relative popularity level RPL assumes a value 0 and 1.

When all plant species are frequently used to treat some major ailments, popularity index would be maximum medicinal plants research papers. For popular plant species, the RPL value is rationally selected to equal unity i. equal to 1while RPL value is less than 1 for unpopular plant species. The relative popularity level RPL of the plant species is calculated and designated as popular or unpopular.

The RPL value may be determined for each specific plant in accordance with its exact position on graph [ 4344 ]. ROP is a correction factor, used for appropriate ranking of the plant species with different FL and RPL values. The ROP is derived from FL; by multiplying RPL and FL values as explained earlier [ 43medicinal plants research papers, 44 ], medicinal plants research papers. A total of local informants including males and 26 females were interviewed.

Based on demography these informants were categorized into different classes as given in Fig 2. In the present survey male participants were higher than females. The prevalence of male informants is due to the fact that females of the study area were reluctant in conversation with male strangers the interviewers.

The local informants were farmers, foresters or herdsmen, craftsmen, shopkeepers, teachers and housewives. The traditional health practioners THPs hold significant information on the medicinal uses of local plant species to treat various ailments. Among others, maximum informants having traditional knowledge regarding the use of medicinal plants were fall in secondary school education level or even below this and often spoke only Punjabi language.

The maximum information was collected from the informants above 60 years age possess significant traditional knowledge whereas little information was shared by medicinal plants research papers respondents. Moreover, illiterate informants shared medicinal plants research papers more information on the traditional use of medicinal plant species compared to medicinal plants research papers respondents.

This may be due to changing lifestyle, increase in the use of allopathic medicine and urbanization. Similar findings have also been reported from Bangladesh [ 45 ]and Turkey[ 946 ]. In total 85 medicinal plant species belonging to 71 genera medicinal plants research papers 34 families were documented Table 1.

All reported species were angiosperms, which include: monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous groups Asteraceae and Poaceae were the most dominant families with 9 species eachfollowed by Fabaceae 8 speciesMoraceae and Euphorbiaceae 6 species eachChenopodiaceae 5 speciesMalvaceae and Medicinal plants research papers 4 species eachmedicinal plants research papers, Amaranthaceae 3 species and Meliaceae, Myrtaceae, Oleaceae, Polygonaceae and Rhamnaceae 2 species eachwhile other families were represented by one species only S1 Fig The utilization of medicinal plant species belonging to Asteraceae and Poaceae families was in agreement with ethnomedicinal flora reported from other parts of Pakistan and in other areas of the world [ 2347 — 49 ].

This may be due to their wide distribution of plant species belonging to Asteraceae [ 50 ] and Poaceae [ 51 ] and their traditional uses known by the indigenous communities living in different parts of the world.

The life forms of the reported species are mentioned in Table 1. The herbaceous species comprise perennial, biennial and annuals These findings were in consistence with previous reports [ 1949medicinal plants research papers, 52 — 56 ].

The frequent use of herbs by indigenous communities may be due to their accessibility and high efficacy in the treatment of diseases compared to other life form [ 57 — 60 ]. It is well-known that the medicinal plants having perennial nature require prolonged period of growth i.

about 6—8 years depending on the type of plant species.

30 medicinal plants the Native Americans used on a daily basis

, time: 11:10

An ethnobotanical survey of indigenous medicinal plants in Hafizabad district, Punjab-Pakistan

medicinal plants research papers

Jun 02,  · Specifically, present study was aimed: (i) to document the medicinal flora and traditional knowledge of local communities on indigenous plants used for medicinal purposes, (ii) to compile data on traditional treatments against various ailments, including method of preparation, plant part(s) utilization and application; (iii) to evaluate the ethnomedicinal data Cited by: Recent papers in Medicinal Plants. Papers. People. External pH effects on the depolarization-activated K channels in guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba. Previous studies reveal that the pH of the apoplastic solution in the guard cell walls may vary between and in closed and open stomata, respectively medicinal plants u.s.d.a. forest service research paper ne i northeastern forest experiment station upper darby, pa. forest service, u. s.

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