Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Importance of commerce education essay

Importance of commerce education essay

importance of commerce education essay

Commerce education gives knowledge by which good management can be established for production. It also gives knowledge about the distribution and advertisement of the produced goods and services. Commerce education is important and valuable in the sense that there are many career opportunities for commerce blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins The main objectives of the commerce education are to train and to educate our youth to manage the highly complicated modern business, and to get the desired results from the trade. Commerce education means to enable our youth to compete in the modern business and to pace with the modern blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Importance of Commerce Education Essay Outlines. We have a weak system of education; We impart useless knowledge to our students. Modern counties are ruling the world because of their advancement in education. The government should make our educational system more effective. Commerce education should be promotedEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins


The modern world is very fast and complicated. It is a world of commerce importance of commerce education essay business. Every country tries its level best to have frequent trade and commercial dealings with other countries to improve its economy. The prosperity and the growth of economy of a nation depend upon its business, trade and commerce and highly developed industries. In the past, the business and other commercial dealings were easy, but the high growth rate of population and development of all the nations have made the trade and business very complicated and hard.

The modern business requires highly trained and skillful young men. This requirement has given due importance to commerce education. The main objectives of the commerce education are to train and to educate our youth importance of commerce education essay manage the highly complicated modern business, and to get the desired results from the trade. Commerce education means to enable our youth to importance of commerce education essay in the modern business and to pace with the modern world.

The commerce education gives pragmatic approach of the modern economics and industry. The commerce education enables the youth to understand and judge the various trends of trade and business of the modern world. A commerce graduate keeps his eyes on profit and loss, the rise and fall in the business and the demand of the modern time.

He knows well how to deal with the customers, importance of commerce education essay. He can advertise the items and commodities of his company and the country well. A well-organized company needs a well-educated manager. A commerce graduate manages his company well according to the needs of the hour. He judges well and makes a good forecast of the future. He attracts the foreign companies and customers easily.

The commerce education trains the youth in the fields of costing, income tax practice and sales tax practice. The commerce education makes the individuals independent and self-sufficient.

They earn their livelihood by themselves. Commerce education enables them well aware about the. Challenges of the modern times. After completing the commerce education, it becomes easy for them to choose a right career, of their choice.

They reach their destination easily and gain their goals. The commerce education has become a pressing need of the modern times.

The development of a nation is measured with its strong economy. If the economy of a nation is strong and well built, that nation is honored and liked in the entire world.

All the nations of the world desire to have trade and business with, that nation. If the economy of a nation is weak and poor, that nation is left behind in the entire world. It means that the progress of a nation depends upon economy and a well-set economy is possible only when it is managed by commerce graduates. Keeping in view the importance, of commerce and commercial education, the government has established many commercial institutions.

These institutions are training the boys and girls in commerce education. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. Please, specify your valid email address. Remember that this is just a sample essay and since it might not be original, importance of commerce education essay, we do not recommend to submit it. However, we might edit this sample to provide you with a plagiarism-free paper.

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Essay on The Importance of Commerce Education with Outlines - Ilmi Hub

importance of commerce education essay

The main objectives of the commerce education are to train and to educate our youth to manage the highly complicated modern business, and to get the desired results from the trade. Commerce education means to enable our youth to compete in the modern business and to pace with the modern blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Feb 18,  · ESSAY ON "IMPORTANCE OF COMMERCE EDUCATION". ESSAY ON "IMPORTANCE OF COMMERCE EDUCATION". It is said that whole life is a big schooling. One is never too old to learn. What is necessary is the willingness to learn. All knowledge is possible through the two eyes - curiosity and desire. Knowledge is like a vast, unfathomable ocean Importance of Commerce Education Essay Outlines. We have a weak system of education; We impart useless knowledge to our students. Modern counties are ruling the world because of their advancement in education. The government should make our educational system more effective. Commerce education should be promotedEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins

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