Start With a Hook. Start your essay introduction with an interesting hook statement that should pull the readers in. This is usually the first sentence that sets the tone of your essay. Start with something interesting, clear, and concise to grab the reader’s attention · So, here are five tips to keep in mind while writing an introduction for an argumentative essay and begin on a strong note. 1. Hook your readers. The first one or two sentences of your essay are known as the essay hook and are meant to generate interest in readers and grab their attention When writing an introduction, you should typically use a ‘general to specific’ structure. That is, introduce the particular problem or topic the essay will address in a general sense to provide context, before narrowing down to your particular position and line of argument
Write An Essay Introduction - How To Start An Essay
How to write essay introduction Updated: June 21, References Approved. This article was co-authored by Jake Adams. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, how to write essay introduction, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation.
Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has been viewed 4, times, how to write essay introduction. The introduction of your essay serves two important purposes.
First, it gets your reader interested in the topic and encourages them to read what you have to say about it. Second, it gives your reader a roadmap of what you're going to say and the overarching point you're going to make — your thesis statement.
A powerful introduction how to write essay introduction your reader's attention and keeps them reading. Start your introduction with a relevant story, fact, or quote that will engage readers. Then, add sentences how to write essay introduction background information to give your essay context, and include important dates, locations, or historical moments where applicable. Finally, include your thesis statement, which is a specific, arguable, and provable statement that answers a question about your essay topic.
For how to write essay introduction, your thesis might read: "In the modern age, online dating apps like Tinder provide a wider variety of romantic options than young people have ever had before.
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By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Categories Education and Communications College University and Postgraduate Academic Writing Essays Essay Introductions How to Write an Essay Introduction. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Co-authored by Jake Adams Last Updated: June 21, References Approved.
Support wikiHow and unlock all samples. Narrative Essay Introduction. Expository Essay Introduction. Persuasive Essay Introduction. Part 1. Identify your audience. The first sentence or two of your introduction should pull the reader in.
You want anyone reading your essay to be fascinated, how to write essay introduction, intrigued, or even outraged. You can't do this if you don't know who your likely readers are.
If you write directly to your instructor, you'll end up glossing over some information that is necessary to show that you properly understand the subject of your essay. It can be helpful to reverse-engineer your audience based on the subject matter of your essay. For example, if you're writing an essay about a women's health issue for a women's studies class, you might identify your audience as young women within the age range most affected by the issue.
Use the element of surprise. A startling or shocking statistic can grab your audience's attention by immediately teaching them something they didn't know. Having learned something new in the first sentence, people will be interested to see where you go next. If you're not sure, test it on a few friends. If they react by expressing shock or surprise, how to write essay introduction, you know you've got something good. Use a fact or statistic that sets up your essay, not something you'll be using as evidence to prove your thesis statement.
Facts or statistics that demonstrate why your topic is important or should be important to your audience typically make good hooks. Tug at your reader's heart-strings. Particularly with personal or political essays, use your hook to get your reader emotionally involved in the subject matter of your story.
You can do this by describing a related hardship or tragedy. Offer a relevant example or anecdote. In your reading and research for your essay, you may have come across an entertaining or interesting anecdote that, while related, didn't really fit into the body of your essay. Such an anecdote can work great as a hook. For example, if you're writing an essay about a public figure, you might include how to write essay introduction anecdote about an odd personal habit that cleverly relates back to your thesis statement.
Particularly with less formal papers or personal essays, humorous anecdotes can be particularly effective hooks. Ask a thought-provoking question. If you're writing a persuasive essay, consider using a relevant question to draw your reader in and get them actively thinking about the subject of your essay.
That's exactly what the leaders of the tiny island nation of Guam tried to answer, how to write essay introduction. Make sure to come up with your own intriguing question. Avoid clichés and generalizations. Generalizations and clichés, even if presented to contrast with your point, won't help your essay. In most cases, they'll actually hurt by making you look like an unoriginal or lazy writer. Broad, sweeping generalizations may ring false with some readers and alienate them from the start.
For example, "everyone wants someone to love" would alienate someone who identified as aromantic or asexual. Part 2. Relate your hook to a larger topic, how to write essay introduction. The next part of your introduction explains to your reader how that hook connects to the rest of your essay. Start with a broader, more general scope to explain your hook's relevance. For example, if you related a story about one individual, but your essay isn't about them, you can relate the hook back to the larger topic with a sentence like "Tommy wasn't alone, however.
There were more thandockworkers affected by that union strike. Provide necessary background information. While you're still keeping things relatively general, let your readers know anything that will be necessary for them to understand your main argument and the points you're making in your essay. If you are writing an argumentative paper, make sure to explain both sides of the argument in a neutral or objective manner. Define key terms for the purposes of your essay.
Your topic may include broad concepts or terms of art that you will need to define for your reader. Your introduction isn't the place to reiterate basic dictionary definitions, how to write essay introduction. However, if there is a key term that may be interpreted differently depending on the context, let your readers know how you're using that term. Definitions also come in handy in legal or political essays, where a term may have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.
Move from the general to the specific. It can be helpful to think of your introduction as an upside-down pyramid. With your hook sitting on top, your introduction welcomes your readers to the broader world in which your thesis resides. Draw your reader in gradually. For example, if you're writing an essay about drunk driving fatalities, you might start with an anecdote about a particular victim.
Then you could provide national statistics, then narrow it down further to statistics for a particular gender or age group. Part 3. Make your point. After you've set up the context within which you're making your how to write essay introduction, tell your readers the point of your essay.
Use your thesis statement to directly communicate the unique point you will attempt to make through your essay. How to write essay introduction including fluff such as "In this essay, I will attempt to show Your outline should be specific, unique, and provable.
How to Write an Effective Essay: The Introduction
, time: 21:22How to Write an Essay Introduction: Structure, Tips | EssayPro

How to write an introduction to an essay. Keep it short and focused. The content and style of an introduction to an essay will depend on the purpose of your writing. If the essay title is in Introduce the topic. Grab the reader's attention. Give some context. Introduce your main points. Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins 5 steps to an essay, how to write a 5 paragraph essay, introduction format for an essay, how to write an introductory paragraph, how to write introduction examples, examples of good introductions, how to write a good introduction paragraph, example of an essay introduction Kasthamandapa can discover Cove lights mounted luminaires have accomplished When writing an introduction, you should typically use a ‘general to specific’ structure. That is, introduce the particular problem or topic the essay will address in a general sense to provide context, before narrowing down to your particular position and line of argument
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