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Help with gcse textiles coursework

Help with gcse textiles coursework

help with gcse textiles coursework

Feb 08,  · Last Updated on February 8, This outstanding International GCSE Art and Design Coursework project was completed by Manisha Mistry in , while studying IGCSE Art and Design (CIE ) at ACG Strathallan College, Auckland, New Zealand.A highly talented student, Manisha gained a result of 98% for her Coursework project The focus of the GCSE Art and Design specification is to nurture an enthusiasm for Art, Craft and Design and, through a broad introductory foundation programme, to develop critical, practical and theoretical skills that enable students to gain a holistic understanding of a range of practices and contexts in the visual arts, crafts and design We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more

GCSE Art and Design - BBC Bitesize

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A*(8) Textiles GCSE Coursework!

, time: 17:53

What are GCSEs?

help with gcse textiles coursework

GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is the part of the National Curriculum taught to pupils aged 14 to 16 in years 10 and It also includes exams, the results of which have a significant bearing on a child’s future career. GCSEs were introduced in Read more The focus of the GCSE Art and Design specification is to nurture an enthusiasm for Art, Craft and Design and, through a broad introductory foundation programme, to develop critical, practical and theoretical skills that enable students to gain a holistic understanding of a range of practices and contexts in the visual arts, crafts and design Feb 08,  · It is hoped that these pages are of benefit to many high school Art students, as well as, of course, those studying or teaching GCSE Art or IGSCE Art and Design. Note: In the CIE IGCSE Coursework requirement was for a final project + sketchbook, rather than the A2 portfolio of 4 sheets (8 sides) that is the [maximum] requirement today

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