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No one has played a greater role in helping all Americans know the black past than Carter G. Woodson, the individual who created Negro History Week black history thesis questions Washington, D. Woodson was the second black American to receive a PhD in history from Harvard—following W. Du Bois by a few years. To Woodson, the black experience was too important simply to be left to a small group of academics.
Woodson believed that his role was black history thesis questions use black history and culture as a weapon in the struggle for racial uplift, black history thesis questions. Woodson was a strange and driven man whose only passion was history, and he expected everyone to share his passion.
This impatience led Woodson to create Negro History Week into ensure that school children be exposed to black history. Woodson chose the second week of February in order to celebrate the birthday of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. It is important to realize that Negro History Week was not born in a vacuum.
The s saw the rise in interest in African American culture that was represented by the Harlem Renaissance where writers like Langston Hughes, Georgia Douglass Johnson, Claude McKay—wrote about the joys and sorrows of blackness, and musicians like Louie Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Jimmy Lunceford captured the new rhythms of the cities created in part by the thousands of southern blacks who black history thesis questions to urban centers like Chicago.
And artists like Aaron Douglass, Richard Barthe, and Lois Jones created images that celebrated blackness and provided more positive images of the African American experience.
Woodson hoped to build upon this creativity and further stimulate black history thesis questions through Negro History Week. Woodson had two goals. One was to use history to prove to white America that blacks had played important roles in the creation of America and thereby deserve to be treated equally as citizens. In essence, Woodson—by celebrating heroic black figures—be they inventors, entertainers, or soldiers—hoped to prove our worth, and by proving our worth—he believed that equality would soon follow.
His other goal was to increase the visibility of black life and history, at a time when few newspapers, books, and universities took notice of the black community, except to dwell upon the negative. Ultimately Woodson believed Negro History Week—which became Black History Month in —would be a vehicle for racial transformation forever. The question that faces us today is whether or not Black History Month is still relevant? Is it still a vehicle for change?
Or has it simply become one more school assignment that has limited meaning for children. Has Black History Month become a time when television and the media stack their black material? Or is it a useful concept whose goals have been achieved? And America has changed dramatically since —Is not it time to retire Black History Month as we have eliminated black history thesis questions and colored signs on drinking fountains? I would like to suggest that despite the profound change in race relations that has occurred in our lives, Carter G.
African American history month, with a bit of tweaking, is still a beacon of change and hope that is still surely needed in this world. The chains of slavery are gone—but we are all not yet free. The great diversity within the black community needs the glue of the African American past to remind us of not just how far we have traveled but lo, how far there is to go.
While there are many reasons and examples that I could point towards, let me raise five concerns or challenges that African Americans — in fact — all Americans — face that black history can help address:. You can tell a great deal about a country and a people by what they deem important enough to remember, to create moments for — what they put in their museum and what they celebrate.
In Scandinavia — there are monuments to the Vikings as a symbol of black history thesis questions and the spirit of exploration. In Germany during the s and s, the Nazis celebrated their supposed Aryan supremacy through monument and song. While America traditionally revels in either Civil War battles or founding fathers. Yet I would suggest that we learn even more about a country by what it chooses to forget — its mistakes, its disappointments, and its embarrassments.
In some ways, African American History month is a clarion call to remember. Yet it is a call that is often unheeded. For nearly years slavery not only existed but it was one of the dominant forces in American life. Political clout and economic fortune depended on the labor of slaves. And the presence of this peculiar institution generated an array of books, publications, and stories that demonstrate how deeply it touched America, black history thesis questions.
Inthe Smithsonian Institution, black history thesis questions, about to open an exhibition that included slavery, decided to survey 10, Americans.
It is my hope that with greater focus and collaboration Black History Month can stimulate discussion about a subject that both divides and embarrasses. As a historian, I have always felt that slavery is an African American success story because we found ways to survive, to preserve our culture and our families. Slavery is also ripe with heroes, such as slaves who ran away or rebelled, like Harriet Tubman or Denmark Vessey, but equally important are the forgotten slave fathers and mothers who raised families and kept a people alive.
I am not embarrassed by my slave ancestors; I am in awe of their strength and their humanity. I would love to see the African American community rethink its connection to our slave past.
I also think of something told to me by a Mr. Black history thesis questions, who was a former sharecropper I interviewed in Georgetown, black history thesis questions, SC:. Though the slaves were bought, they were also brave, black history thesis questions. Though they were sold, they were also strong. While the African American community is no longer invisible, I am unsure that as a community we are taking the appropriate steps to ensure the preservation of African American cultural patrimony in appropriate institutions.
Whether we like it or not, museums, archives, and libraries not only preserves culture they legitimize it, black history thesis questions. Therefore, it is incumbent of African Black history thesis questions to work with cultural institutions to preserve their family photography, black history thesis questions, documents, and objects.
While African Americans have few traditions of giving material to museums, it is crucial that more of the black past make it into American cultural repositories. A good example is the Smithsonian, when the National Museum of American History wanted to mount an exhibition on slavery, black history thesis questions, it found it did not have any objects that described slavery.
That is partially a response to a lack of giving by the African American Community. This lack of involvement also affects the preservation of black historic sites.
Though there has been more attention paid to these sites, too much of our history black history thesis questions been paved over, gone through urban renewal, gentrified, black history thesis questions, or unidentified, or un-acknowledged. Hopefully a renewed Black History Month can focus attention on the importance of preserving African American culture. There is no more powerful force than a people steeped in their history.
And there is no higher cause than honoring our struggle and ancestors by remembering. As the African American Community diversifies and splinters, it is crucial to find mechanisms and opportunities to maintain our sense of community. As some families lose the connection with their southern roots, it is imperative that we understand our common heritage and history. The communal nature of black life has provided substance, guidance, and comfort for generations. And though our communities are quite diverse, it is our black history thesis questions heritage that continues to hold us together.
One thing has not changed, black history thesis questions. That is the need to draw inspiration and guidance from the past. And through that inspiration, people will find tools and paths that will help them live their lives. Who could not draw substance from the creativity of Madame CJ Walker or the audacity and courage of prize fighter Jack Johnson.
Or who could not continue to struggle after listening to the mother of Emmitt Till share her story of sadness and perseverance. I know that when life is tough, I take solace in the poetry of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Langston Hughes, Nikki Giovanni, or Gwendolyn Brooks.
And I find comfort in the rhythms of Louie Armstrong, black history thesis questions, Sam Cooke or Dinah Washington. And I draw inspiration from the anonymous slave who persevered so that the culture could continue. Let me conclude by re-emphasizing that Black History Month continues to serve us well. Experiencing Black History Month every year reminds us that history is not dead or distant from our lives. I experience the African American past when I think of my grandfather choosing to leave the South rather than continue to experience share cropping and segregation.
Or when I remember sitting in the back yard listening to old men tell stories. Ultimately, African American History — and its celebration throughout February — is just as vibrant today as it was when Woodson created it 85 years ago.
Because it helps us to remember there is no more powerful force than a people steeped in their history. Privacy Terms of Use. Skip to main content. Our American Story Knowing the Past Opens the Door to the Future: The Continuing Importance of Black history thesis questions History Month.
Scurlock Studio Records, ca. Carter G, black history thesis questions. Woodson, late s. While there are many reasons and examples that I could point towards, let me raise five concerns or challenges that African Americans — in fact — all Americans — face that black history can help address: The Challenge of Forgetting You can tell a great deal about a country and a people by what they deem important enough to remember, to create moments for — what they put in their museum and what they celebrate.
The Challenge of Maintaining a Community As the African American Community diversifies and splinters, it is crucial to find mechanisms and opportunities to maintain our sense of community, black history thesis questions.
The Power of Inspiration One thing has not changed. Lonnie Bunch Founding Director. POST TAGS Activism Communities Families Organizations. Related Black history thesis questions Read Post. Our American Story A Bond of Brothers: the Buffalo University Bulls. Read Post. Our American Story An Indomitable Spirit: Autherine Lucy. more related posts. Privacy Terms of Use Back to Top.
Black History is American History - Okalani Dawkins - TEDxYouth@MVHS
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Black History Trivia Questions. Our Black History Trivia Questions include the events of African-American history which was a part of American history that will take you back there to learn more about the facts of this old period. Answer the below questions to reach the next level. Q1 Black History in America Essay Topics. Clio has taught education courses at the college level and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Studying black history is Woodson was the second black American to receive a PhD in history from Harvard—following W.E.B. Du Bois by a few years. To Woodson, the black experience was too important simply to be left to a small group of academics. Woodson believed that his role was to use black history and culture as a weapon in the struggle for racial uplift
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