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Bash script resume

Bash script resume

bash script resume

Jun 12,  · Resume Bash Script After Reboot - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange. I have a bash script that changes some configuration in OS and database and it needs reboot then other commands are needed to be run. something like this: newvalue1= ip. some commands Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of Q&A communities including Feb 13,  · After the GIT Bash terminal open, allow the user to pause the script within the time frame shown by pressing ENTER or any other key; If no action taken by user, the countdown continues and the script will run at the end of the timeframe; If the user had pressed ENTER (or any other), then by pressing again ENTER (or any other key) he/she resumes the countdown Dec 10,  · And when the machine finishes rebooting the script needs to resume from where it left. Following script creates a temporary file that we

bash - How to suspend and resume processes - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. then I can type fg to resume the process. Is it possible to suspend a process if I only have it's PID? And if so, what bash script resume should I use?

Note that if the process you are trying to stop by PID is in your shell's job table, it may remain visible there, but terminated, until the process is fg 'd again. To be more verbose - you have to specify the right signali.

for resuming it. Documented here. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group, bash script resume. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How to suspend and resume processes Ask Question. Asked 11 years ago. Active 4 years, 7 months ago. Viewed k times, bash script resume.

bash command-line job-control. Improve this question. edited Jul 3 '14 at lesmana asked Sep 15 '10 at Stefan Stefan Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. You can use kill to stop the process. For a 'polite' stop to the process prefer this for normal usesend SIGTSTP: kill -TSTP [pid] For a 'hard' stop, send SIGSTOP: kill -STOP [pid] Note that if the process you are trying to stop by PID is in your shell's job table, it may remain visible there, but terminated, until the process is fg 'd again.

To resume execution of the process, sent SIGCONT: kill -CONT [pid]. Improve this answer. edited Feb 14 '17 at bash script resume Mark Amery 2, 5 5 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 28 28 bronze bash script resume. answered Sep 15 '10 at Steve Burdine Steve Burdine 5, 6 6 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Unless there are other reasons for it, I would prefer SIGTSTP bash script resume SIGSTOP, bash script resume, as some applications do handle SIGTSTP specially.

For example, if scp is showing a progress bar, SIGTSTP will cause it to clean up the terminal mode before suspending, but if you send SIGSTOP, it will not have a chance to do so. ephemient I tried SIGTSTP, I saw what you were saying about it cleaning up the terminal. Thanks for the explanation of SIGTSTP, alawys good to learn new things : — Steve Burdine, bash script resume. See also: [ stackoverflow. You should use the kill command for that.

edited Oct 5 '16 at user 5, 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. maxschlepzig maxschlepzig I wonder what accident of history led to this answer getting fewer votes? The answers are nearly the same and this one came first Wildcard, when I created the answer I was a bit in a hurry, thus, it basically just contained the first part up to kill -TSTP i. how to suspend. Thus, I edited it and added also the kill -CONT part. This should explain the difference in votes in comparison with Steve's answer.

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shell - Bash Script: Pause a countdown and resume it by pressing ENTER (or any) - Stack Overflow

bash script resume

Feb 13,  · After the GIT Bash terminal open, allow the user to pause the script within the time frame shown by pressing ENTER or any other key; If no action taken by user, the countdown continues and the script will run at the end of the timeframe; If the user had pressed ENTER (or any other), then by pressing again ENTER (or any other key) he/she resumes the countdown For a 'polite' stop to the process (prefer this for normal use), send SIGTSTP: kill -TSTP [pid] For a 'hard' stop, send SIGSTOP: kill -STOP [pid] Note that if the process you are trying to stop by PID is in your shell's job table, it may remain visible there, but terminated, until the process is fg 'd again. To resume execution of the process, sent SIGCONT Jun 12,  · Resume Bash Script After Reboot - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange. I have a bash script that changes some configuration in OS and database and it needs reboot then other commands are needed to be run. something like this: newvalue1= ip. some commands Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of Q&A communities including

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