May 19, · Editorial Assistant Cover Letter: The Breakdown. In her cover letter for the position of Editorial Assistant, Mary expresses her enthusiasm for the position. She shows that she has the skills - editorial, organization, communication - to do well in the role, and infuses her entire letter with a sense of excitement about working in the Mar 29, · Assistant Editor Cover Letter Example This cover letter was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession. Assistant Editor Cover Letter Example (Text version) Janusz Zelinski hello@blogger.com RTY Digital, Ltd. Chicago, IL, United States 29/03/ Application for the position of Assistant Editor Aug 27, · Review an example of a cover letter written for an editorial position for inspiration. This sample letter highlights the applicant's editorial, creative, and technical skills. Also, see below for an example of a resume written for an editorial or writing position and tips for writing interview-winning resumes and cover blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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Posted by Rene Tetzner Aug 26, How To Get Published 0. Three Cover Letter Templates to Journal Editors Each cover letter is unique, and those addressed to journal editors by scientists and academics when they submit their writing for publication are no exception. As an opportunity to present original research in the best possible light, a cover letter is indispensible for persuading a busy editor that a manuscript is worthy of peer review.
The originality that should characterise an excellent cover letter therefore prevents the wholesale use of a universal template without significant alterations, but the three sample letters that appear below may prove helpful for scholars who are planning, formatting and drafting a associate editor cover letter examples cover letter to a journal editor, associate editor cover letter examples.
The content of the three sample letters is entirely fictional, with the dates, names, titles and situations invented. The specifics pertinent to your own research, your manuscript and the journal you are targeting will give you the raw material to emulate these templates. The format of a traditional business letter has been observed, so contact information for the authors and editors has been provided as complete mailing addresses.
This formality may not be strictly necessary when communicating with a journal editor via email, where such details are often truncated, but the complete forms are always acceptable, associate editor cover letter examples, and proper names and titles are a necessity. If possible, the official letterhead of the university, department or other research body with which you are affiliated should be used along with your name, phone number and professional email address.
Descriptions of the research and manuscript in each of the three examples have been kept simple so that the meaning will be clear to readers of all specialisations, associate editor cover letter examples, but there are certainly successful cover letters that delve into a good deal more detail. Letter 2 below, for instance, might productively say more about the specific lights used and tomato plants grown and provide numbers and percentages as well.
Do keep in mind, however, that the clarity and accessibility offered by a short and simple approach is also valuable, particularly when writing to an editor who may not share your precise specialisation. Letter 1 adopts the perspective of a doctoral candidate who has rewritten the literature review chapter of his thesis as a bibliographical study and is seeking publication for the first time.
Letter associate editor cover letter examples introduces a research paper written by several authors and demonstrates how to act as the corresponding author when submitting a multi-author manuscript.
Letter 3 posits that the author met the journal editor at a recent conference where an earlier version of the paper now being submitted for a theme issue of the journal was presented. Joe Student Department of English University of the Western Shore San Francisco, CA, USA joestudent westernshore. Brian Editing Editor-in-Chief Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography New York, NY, USA editorinchief jamebiblio. This manuscript is based on a chapter of my doctoral thesis, supervised by Dr Hoccleve Specialist, and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for consideration.
I believe this manuscript is appropriate for the Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography because it combines a complete list and critical summary of previous studies with an in-depth analysis of not only individual contributions, but also the larger patterns of scholarship and their possible significance through the centuries. Current trends and the annotated Hoccleve bibliography will likely prove of special interest to many of your readers, enabling future research and encouraging scholarly self-awareness.
If you decide to consider the manuscript for publication, I suggest the following two experts as qualified reviewers:. Medieval Scholarship Professor of English, Southern University medscholar southern. Manuscript Expert Director of Medieval Studies, Northern University msexpert northern.
Joe Student Ph. Candidate and Teaching Assistant Department of English University of the Western Shore. Jane Researcher Private Plant Research Institute Pink Greenhouse Place Coquitlam, BC, Canada, V0V 1A1 janeresearcher plantinstitute. Dr Samuel Botanist Managing Editor Growing Our Greenhouse: A Journal of Current Research Glass Hill Colorado Springs, associate editor cover letter examples, CO, USA, samtheorchidman gogjournal.
My colleagues and I at the Private Plant Research Institute in Coquitlam conducted associate editor cover letter examples research and coauthored the manuscript; a full list of the names and affiliations of all ten coauthors is attached. We have all approved the manuscript for submission to Growing Associate editor cover letter examples Greenhouseand I have been chosen as the corresponding author.
Then we were analysing the results of our first two seasons of growing tomatoes under LED lights. One of the unexpected discoveries we made as we determined which plants and lights produced the best results was that vitamin C content appeared to increase when the ripening fruit was exposed to LED light.
The research reported in the manuscript I am submitting today was designed to investigate further the apparent increases in vitamin C. Its methodology is similar to that of our earlier study, but we used only those cherry tomato plants that we had already shown could thrive under LED lights. We also established a larger number of experimental groups to explore the effects of variables such as light colour, light intensity, hours of exposure, ambient temperature and presence or absence of sunlight.
Our findings were convincing to say the least, with vitamin C content doubling and sometimes trebling in fruit exposed to additional LED light. Even fruit given only LED lighting and deprived of all natural sunlight far exceeded the vitamin C content of those tomatoes exposed to natural sunlight alone. We trust that your readers will find our hands-on empirical method as effective as they have in the past and benefit from our practices and discoveries as they grow and experiment in their own greenhouses.
Sheila Presenter Chair, School of Business Management Yorkshire University University Road York, North Yorkshire, UK, YO33 7EE spresenter yorkschbusman. Dr Margaret Publisher Editor-in-Chief Journal of Innovative Business Studies B West Central Avenue London, UK, EC9M 6BB margareteditor IBSjournal.
It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing our similar interests at the Business Management conference in London a couple of weeks ago. As promised, I have revised my presentation and am submitting it for your consideration for the upcoming issue of the Journal of Innovative Business Studies dedicated to management innovations.
You might recall that associate editor cover letter examples discussed the challenges of reshaping my presentation, which was designed to generate in conference attendees the emotional responses it discusses, to conform to the structural requirements of the Journal of Innovative Business Studies. I also took a look at the recent Journal of Innovative Business Studies articles by Sally Scholar and John Researcher that you recommended.
The former was particularly helpful and I have cited it more than once in my closing discussion. That discussion has benefited significantly from our long talk at the conference and I hope you do not object to my acknowledgement of your insight.
As you know, the research presented in the manuscript is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere, associate editor cover letter examples. I would respectfully request that Stephen Harsh not review the manuscript, however. His knowledge in this area is extensive, but you may remember from his comments at the conference that he does not share my approach to management or view my recent research with a positive eye, associate editor cover letter examples.
I believe the following two experts would serve as more appropriate reviewers of my paper:. Frederick Newapproach CEO, Management Innovations UK Inc. uk Samantha Kindheart Chair, associate editor cover letter examples, Department of Business Management University of the Wolds skindheart univofwolds.
I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming conference in Leeds. In the meantime, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your interest and consideration. Journal editing and proofreading services. Scientific editing services for publication success.
Grant editing and proofreading services. Three Cover Letter Templates to Journal Editors Posted by Rene Tetzner Aug 26, How To Get Published 0, associate editor cover letter examples. Name Email Subscribe. edu Dr. November 8, Dear Dr. If you decide to consider the manuscript for publication, I suggest the following two experts as qualified reviewers: Dr. edu Many thanks for your time and consideration.
I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Joe Student Joe Student Ph. ca Dr Samuel Botanist Managing Editor Growing Our Greenhouse: A Journal of Current Research Glass Hill Colorado Springs, CO, USA, samtheorchidman gogjournal.
Thank you for your continuing interest and consideration. Yours sincerely, Jane Researcher Jane Researcher Research Director, Private Plant Research Institute. uk Dr Margaret Publisher Editor-in-Chief Journal of Innovative Business Studies B West Central Avenue London, UK, associate editor cover letter examples, EC9M 6BB margareteditor IBSjournal. uk I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming conference in Leeds. Best regards, Sheila Presenter Sheila Presenter Chair, School of Business Management Yorkshire University.
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Write an Amazing Cover Letter: 3 Golden Rules (Template included)
, time: 7:26Associate Editor Cover Letter Example

My schedule is flexible and I am available for interview during the day, evening and at the weekend. Yours sincerely, Your name. Address 1. Address 2. Tel: 00 44 Email: info@blogger.com More Editor cover letter examples. Editor cover letter blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Sep 15, · Read more: Cover Letter Outline: Best Examples. 2. Write a professional editor cover letter header. First step: write your address. List your name, job title, physical address, phone number, email, and LinkedIn. Add a blank line, today’s date, then another blank line. Include the manager’s name, title, and street blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Must Read: Things to remember while sending a Cover Letter. Associate Editor Cover Letter Example Tips. Even with a use of a cover letter sample or template, sometimes it can get even more trickier to make a perfect cover letter. Below listed are some tips to keep in mind when writing your Associate Editor cover letter
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