Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Assigned meaning

Assigned meaning

assigned meaning

verb. [with object] 1 Allocate (a job or duty) ‘Congress had assigned the task to the agency’. More example sentences. ‘his leader assigned him this mission’. ‘For students such as that, I will assign a special job for the summer production.’. ‘‘Good,’ he continued, Meaning and definitions of assigned, translation of assigned in Tamil language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of assigned in English and in Tamil. Tags for the entry "assigned" What assigned means in Tamil, assigned meaning in Tamil, assigned definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of assigned in Tamil assigned definition: 1. past simple and past participle of assign 2. to give a particular job or piece of work to. Learn more

Assigned - definition of assigned by The Free Dictionary

as·signedas·sign·ingassigned meaning, as·signs 1, assigned meaning. To select for a duty or office; appoint: firefighters assigned to the city's industrial park.

See Synonyms at appoint. Assigned meaning set apart for a particular purpose or place in a particular category; designate: assigned the new species to an existing genus. See Synonyms at allocate. To give out as a task; allot: assigned homework to the class.

To ascribe; attribute: assigned blame for the loss to a lack of good defense. See Synonyms at assigned meaning. To match or pair with: assign a value to each of the variables.

Law To transfer property, assigned meaning, rights, or interests from one to another. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

All rights reserved. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:. Switch to new thesaurus, assigned meaning. Based on WordNet 3. addetto assegnato, assigned meaning. Mentioned in? ABA transit number accredit Acoraceae allocate allot allotted allow appoint appointed apportion appropriate armed reconnaissance arrogate ascribe assign assignability assignable assignat assigner.

References in classic literature? The education which was assigned to the men assigned meaning music and gymnastic.

View in context. For by assigning to the Women the same two colours as assigned meaning assigned to the Priests, the Revolutionists thereby ensured that, in certain positions, every Woman would appear like a Priest, assigned meaning be treated with corresponding respect and deference -- a prospect that could not fail to attract the Female Sex in a mass. Galileo explained the phenomena of the lunar light produced during certain of her phases by assigned meaning existence of mountains, to which he assigned a mean altitude of View in context.

Besides the before-mentioned motive assigned to the present behaviour of Jones, the reader will be likewise pleased to recollect in his favour, that he was not at this time perfect master of that wonderful power of reason, which so well enables grave and wise men to assigned meaning their unruly passions, and to decline any of these prohibited amusements. Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar; it would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him his proper station in society.

Though the poems of the Boeotian school 2 were unanimously assigned to Hesiod down to the age of Alexandrian criticism, they were clearly neither the work of one man nor even of one period: some, doubtless, were fraudulently fathered on him in order to gain currency; but it is probable that most came to be regarded as his partly because of their general character, and partly because the names of their real authors were lost.

The Disinherited Knight, with all knightly courtesy, declined assigned meaning request, alleging, assigned meaning, that he assigned meaning not at this time suffer his face to be seen, for reasons which he had assigned to assigned meaning heralds when he entered the lists.

And with those whose impulses have guided them to benevolent actions, assigned meaning, we will rank others to whom Providence has assigned a different tendency and different powers, assigned meaning. But such a supposition did by no means involve the remotest suspicion as to any boat's crew being assigned to that boat, assigned meaning. If no reason can be assigned -- and I know of none myself -- I think we have a point here which deserves our careful consideration; for it may be a point which is open to attack.

I shall not deny that there are strong reasons to be assigned for requiring in this particular the concurrence of that body, or of a part of assigned meaning. Aeschylus first introduced a second actor; he diminished the importance of the Chorus, and assigned the leading part to the dialogue.

Dictionary browser? Full browser? Facebook Share Twitter CITE. Site: Follow: Facebook Twitter Rss Mail Share: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail. assigned - appointed to a post or duty; "assigned personnel"; "assigned duties" unassigned - not assigned; "unassigned personnel".

Change Your Life By Newly Assigned Meaning

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What does assigned mean?

assigned meaning

verb. [with object] 1 Allocate (a job or duty) ‘Congress had assigned the task to the agency’. More example sentences. ‘his leader assigned him this mission’. ‘For students such as that, I will assign a special job for the summer production.’. ‘‘Good,’ he continued, English Language Learners Definition of assign.: to give someone a particular job or duty: to require someone to do a particular task.: to send (someone) to a particular group or place as part of a job.: to give out something: to provide someone with something Definition and synonyms of assign from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. This is the British English definition of blogger.com American English definition of assign.. Change your default dictionary to American English

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